How Can I Get Out Of My Timeshare Legally

How Can I Get Out Of My Timeshare Legally

written by Desiree Jones Call: (843) 376-3999 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Step 1 of 6Are you looking to get out of your timeshare contract? *
=&0=& Is there a period within which you can cancel the contract without being penalized? =&1=& Are there fees and penalties for breaking the agreement? =&2=& Is your timeshare in perpetuity or for a certain time duration?

Using the Rescission Period

Many timeshare contracts come along with a rescission or “cooling-off” period. This is a period during which one can opt to cancel the contract without any form of penalty being levied against them. It varies from state to state but is typically between three to ten days. You can therefore legally cancel your timeshare by writing directly to the timeshare company within that period. ...  Read more