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This article explains the process of canceling a timeshare points contract. It outlines the steps to take in order to properly cancel the contract and the documents you’ll need to provide. Once all the necessary steps are taken, the answer to the question is yes, it is possible to cancel a timeshare points contract.


If you’re looking to cancel your timeshare points contract, you’ve come to the right place. This article outlines all the steps you need to take in order to make sure that the process is completed correctly and in a timely manner. I will walk you through the documents you need to provide, and explain the steps that you need to take in order to make sure that the contract is properly cancelled. With this helpful advice, you’ll have everything you need to make the process of cancelling your timeshare points contract as easy as possible.

Overview of Timeshare Points Contracts

As a timeshare owner, understanding the process of canceling a points contract is essential. It’s important to know the steps you need to take in order to properly cancel the contract, as well as the documents you’ll need to provide. Knowing this information will make the entire process smoother and give you a better chance of successfully canceling your timeshare points contract.

Steps to Cancel a Timeshare Points Contract

Canceling a timeshare points contract doesn’t have to be a difficult process. To start the process, you’ll need to contact the timeshare company and provide them with a written request for termination. Be sure to include all the necessary documents that are required by the company, such as proof of ownership. After submitting all the documents, the company will review your request and provide you with a response. Once all the steps are taken, you’ll be able to cancel your timeshare points contract.

Gather Necessary Documentation

Gathering the necessary documentation for timeshare points contract cancellation can be a daunting task. It is important to make sure that you have all the necessary paperwork in order to properly cancel your contract. You will need to have a copy of the contract, proof of payment, and any other contracts related to the timeshare. Having all of these documents will make the cancellation process much easier. It is also important to make sure that you keep a copy of all the paperwork for your own records. Once all of the necessary paperwork has been gathered and the cancellation process is complete, you can rest assured knowing that your timeshare points contract has been successfully canceled. Remember to keep a copy of all the documentation for your records in case you ever need to prove that you did in fact i cancel timeshares.

Copies of Contract

When you’re getting ready to cancel your timeshare points contract, it’s important to have copies of the contract itself. This can often be found online or in the mail, and it’s essential for the cancellation process. Make sure to have copies of all the documents related to the contract, such as the agreement, addendums, and any other relevant paperwork. Having these documents on hand will make the cancellation process much smoother. At We Cancel Timeshares, we help make the process of cancelling your timeshare points contract as simple and straightforward as possible.

Notification Document

In order to cancel your timeshare points contract, you will need to provide a written notification document to the timeshare company. This document should include the name of the contract holder, a brief description of the contract, and a detailed explanation as to why you are canceling the contract. Make sure to keep a copy of this document for your records. Once you submit this document, the process of canceling your contract will begin.

Contact the Timeshare Company

The best way to begin the timeshare points cancellation process is to contact the timeshare company directly. Talk with a representative and let them know your intent to cancel the contract. Ask for the appropriate paperwork, fill it out and return it as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that the cancellation process will vary from company to company and there may be additional steps you will need to take. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make sure you understand the process.

Submit Documentation to Timeshare Company

Once you’ve decided to cancel your timeshare points contract, the next step is to submit the necessary documentation to the timeshare company. This typically includes a letter of cancellation, which states your intention to terminate the contract, as well as copies of any relevant documents that are part of the agreement. Make sure to keep a copy of all the documents you submit to the company, and provide a return address so they can contact you. Submitting the documentation is a crucial step in the cancellation process, so make sure you do it correctly. It is estimated that around 20% of people cancel their timeshare contracts within the first year, so it is important to understand what percentage of people cancel timeshare after buying.

Common Timeshare Cancellation Pitfalls

One of the most common pitfalls when attempting to cancel a timeshare points contract is not understanding the rules and regulations. It is important to read through the contract thoroughly to make sure that all the necessary steps are taken in order to properly cancel the contract. Additionally, make sure to gather all the necessary documents needed to submit to the timeshare company. All of this information can be helpful in avoiding potential issues during the cancellation process.

Not Notifying Timeshare Company of Intent to Cancel

Failing to notify your timeshare company of your intention to cancel is one of the most common mistakes people make when canceling their timeshare points contract. It is important to remember that in order to properly cancel a timeshare contract, you must do more than just stop making payments. You must also provide written notice to the company that you are officially canceling the contract. Doing this will help to ensure that you are properly released from your obligations and the contract is terminated in a timely manner.

Not Obtaining Written Documentation of Cancellation

When canceling a timeshare points contract, it is important to obtain written documentation of the cancellation. Without written proof, there is no way to guarantee that the contract has been canceled, and that the timeshare company will not attempt to keep billing you. To ensure that the cancellation is valid, it is best to get the paperwork from the timeshare company showing that the contract has been terminated. This way, you can be sure that you won’t be held liable for any future payments. Additionally, be wary of any timeshare deals that seem too good to be true, as these may be scams that are designed to take your money with no intention of providing you with a valid contract or service.


In conclusion, if you have a timeshare points contract and want to cancel it, the best thing to do is to get written documentation of the cancellation. It is possible to do this, and it’s important to make sure you are able to provide all the necessary documents in order to properly cancel the contract. Make sure to follow the steps outlined in this article in order to make sure your timeshare points contract is properly cancelled.

Can I Cancel My Timeshare Points Contract?

Yes, it is possible to cancel a timeshare points contract. With the right preparation, you can successfully complete the process of cancellation. Start by gathering the necessary documents and information, so that you can provide proof of the contract and its terms. Once you have the information ready, you can begin the process of canceling the contract. It’s important to follow the steps outlined in this article, as well as any specific instructions provided by the timeshare company in order to properly cancel the contract.

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